Saturday, August 4, 2007

RHD Pics

Sorry I have not posted anything for the past few days. Actually, I have been trying to create a photoslide for the Racial Harmony Day pics yesterday and the day before but just couldn't get it right!!!! Bella, help!!

Anyway, I have posted some pics here. I think most of you enjoyed yourselves that day and most of you participated enthusiastically. Good job!!! The only disappointment was that some of the boys did not try out the jawi writing. I think that you should give it a try instead of just sitting there doing nothing or worse, doodling on the big piece of paper!!! And yes, some boys were even caught washing their brushes at the water cooler!! I hope none of you will do anything so foolish in the future! I let the matter rest because the boys were held back by some teachers. I wouldn't be so forgiving in the future!! Please think before you do anything!

Alright, enjoy the pics!!!

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