Don't forget that this Thursday you have Drama during SFL. You'll finish late that day (around 3pm) so please remind your parents that you have to stay back in school for the programme. I'm sure you'll have a good time and you'll learn something too!
And also, don't forget that Friday is ACES Day and Teacher's Day. Here's the programe for that day... We'll celebrate ACES DAY for the first two periods. Please wear your PE t-shirt with your pants or skirts on that day. But you still have to bring your school shirt because after the challenges, you'll have to wear your full school uniform.
I have been briefed regarding ACES Day. I'll be with our class on that day. I'll have to be a judge for the challenges and I know that you will get an extra point if I participate so maybe I'll join the Jumping Jack challenge because it's the easiest! LOL
Btw 1e1, I think you know that it's a class challenge so let's do our best ok?????!!!!! Let's do our best and beat the other classes!!!!! Can we do it?? Yes, we can!!!!! kekekeke
After the challenges, you have to change to your full school uniform and go for your classes. You have lessons as per normal for the next three periods so don't forget to bring your books for the 3rd to 5th periods. After that, you'll have a short break and we will proceed to the hall for the Teacher's Day concert. The concert will end around 12.15pm. After that you are allowed to go back and enjoy yourselves!!!!
Like I mentioned yesterday, it is really sad that our class can't perform for Teacher's Day. To Kareema, Umaimah, Syarifah, Diyana and Wesley (did I leave anybody out?), don't be too disappointed alright. Even if you don't get to perform, I'm extremely proud of all of you for taking that initiative to take up the challenge. If we have the time, I would like you to perform your dance in class. Can?
I hope all of us will enjoy the ACES Day and Teacher's Day celebrations. Don't forget to make your voting if you have not done so. Don't forget number 38 ok??!!!! LOL... I'm just kidding. Please vote for the teachers that you really feel deserve the awards ok?
Alright, have a good week!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Buck up
Judging by the results I saw that day, I think all of you have to work really hard to achieve the 70 and below level position. Please work hard... If we minus this week, you only have 4 weeks left before the exams. I really hope all of you do well. I'm sure you'll be extremely happy and proud of yourself if you do well for your exams, not to mention you'll make your parents very proud too. The chalet is just a bonus :-) All the best!! You can do it!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Group Pic
Thursday, August 23, 2007
LJ Pics!
Here are the pics! I know most of you have been waiting for them. Anyway, I had a really good time, thanks to all of you! All of you behaved yourselves, didn't give any problems to the teachers and the best part of all, we had fun fun fun, especially during the trip back. It's good that we have 'crazy' people like Kareema and Umaimah and yes, Azilla, too who was very, very prompt with her..."Boo sama dia!!" But it wouldn't be fun if nobody participated so 3 cheers to everybody for responding and joining in. Now, that's what I call 'team spirit'!!!! And singing the school song in the bus????? I'm sure our Principal would be very pleased if she heard it!!!!
I am soooo proud of all of you!!!!!! Goooooo 1e1!!
PS : I will insert the captions later ok. And I do not include the photos of the stuffs there because I think most of you captured them. But let me know if you want any photos of the artefacts. Also, if you have photos that are interesting and nice and you want to post them here, just let me know.

I am soooo proud of all of you!!!!!! Goooooo 1e1!!
PS : I will insert the captions later ok. And I do not include the photos of the stuffs there because I think most of you captured them. But let me know if you want any photos of the artefacts. Also, if you have photos that are interesting and nice and you want to post them here, just let me know.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Learning Journey
Hi everybody... I am at home recovering from a really bad headache (this is due to the fact that my son has been cranky past few nights and I don't have sufficient sleep). Anyway, don't forget that we are going to Science Centre tomorrow. Please remind your parents that you'll be coming home late. Some of you have asked on what you are supposed to bring for tomorrow's trip. Actually, there's nothing extra that you have to bring but if you want to take pictures, you can bring your own camera. You can also bring sandwiches to satisfy your growling tummies when you are there but these can be bought from the canteen before we set off. Hopefully all of us will have a fruitful and satisfying learning journey tomorrow.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Maths Percentage - - Solutions
Solution for Maths BINGO game (9 percentage questions)
1a) ( 75/100) (40/100) = (3/4) X (4/10)
= 3/10
30% of the girls wear glasses in class.
1b) 30% à 12
100% à (100/30) X 12 = 40
40 students in class
2) 86% à 215
100% à (100/86) X 215
= 250
No of workers is 250
3) Let c be the selling price before GST and discount.
i) amount to pay = (104/100) X (90/100) X c
ii) amount to pay = (90/100) X (104/100) X c
the amount is the same for both options
4) If x is the original number, the new number is
(125/100)(75/100) x
= 0.9375 x
Hence the new number is smaller than the original number.
5) a) 35% à 70
100% à (100/35) X 70 = 200
the number is 200
b) (80/100)(130/100) X 500 = 520
c) [(100-x)/100 ] (125/1000 = 1
(100 – x) 125 = 100 X 100
x = 20
6) a) ( 7 / 8) X 100 = 87.5%
b) (14 / 25) X 100 = 56%
c) 0.385 X 100 = 38.5%
d) 0.112 X 100 = 11.2%
7) a) (12 1/5) / 100 = 0.122
b) ( 27 3/8) /100 = 0.27375
Ignore Q.7C and .Q8
9. a) 45 % à 72
100% à (72/45) X 100
= 160
b ) 55% of 160 = (55/100) X 160
= 88
the end ☺
1a) ( 75/100) (40/100) = (3/4) X (4/10)
= 3/10
30% of the girls wear glasses in class.
1b) 30% à 12
100% à (100/30) X 12 = 40
40 students in class
2) 86% à 215
100% à (100/86) X 215
= 250
No of workers is 250
3) Let c be the selling price before GST and discount.
i) amount to pay = (104/100) X (90/100) X c
ii) amount to pay = (90/100) X (104/100) X c
the amount is the same for both options
4) If x is the original number, the new number is
(125/100)(75/100) x
= 0.9375 x
Hence the new number is smaller than the original number.
5) a) 35% à 70
100% à (100/35) X 70 = 200
the number is 200
b) (80/100)(130/100) X 500 = 520
c) [(100-x)/100 ] (125/1000 = 1
(100 – x) 125 = 100 X 100
x = 20
6) a) ( 7 / 8) X 100 = 87.5%
b) (14 / 25) X 100 = 56%
c) 0.385 X 100 = 38.5%
d) 0.112 X 100 = 11.2%
7) a) (12 1/5) / 100 = 0.122
b) ( 27 3/8) /100 = 0.27375
Ignore Q.7C and .Q8
9. a) 45 % à 72
100% à (72/45) X 100
= 160
b ) 55% of 160 = (55/100) X 160
= 88
the end ☺
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Class Pics
Good Job!
I can see that Siew Huey has been diligently updating your daily homework, tests and reminders. I hope all of you appreciate her work and thank her. Please check this blog daily and do your homework promptly. Thank you, Siew Huey, you're doing a wonderful job!
And again, many thanks to Bella for keeping the blog in check. You're doing a fantastic job too!!
Another thing, we had a staff meeting last Tuesday and Ms Chew, the school's VP went through the truancy cases of each class. I am happy to announce that our class is one of the few with ZERO truancy cases!!! All of you have been attending school regularly and those who are absent have MCs or letters to account for the absence. That is why it is very important for you to give me MCs or letters if you are absent from school so that it will not be treated as a truancy case.
Please keep up the good attendance. It is very important for you to attend school regularly so that you will not miss out on any lesson and will not have difficulty catching up with schoolwork. Again, good job everybody! Keep it up!!
And again, many thanks to Bella for keeping the blog in check. You're doing a fantastic job too!!
Another thing, we had a staff meeting last Tuesday and Ms Chew, the school's VP went through the truancy cases of each class. I am happy to announce that our class is one of the few with ZERO truancy cases!!! All of you have been attending school regularly and those who are absent have MCs or letters to account for the absence. That is why it is very important for you to give me MCs or letters if you are absent from school so that it will not be treated as a truancy case.
Please keep up the good attendance. It is very important for you to attend school regularly so that you will not miss out on any lesson and will not have difficulty catching up with schoolwork. Again, good job everybody! Keep it up!!
It's been more than a week since I posted an entry...Sorry everybody, busy, busy... As you know, the teachers have to key in the CA2 marks soon so I have been busy marking. Anyway, I would like to reiterate that you don't have much time left before your final year exams. Including the Sept hols, you have about six weeks left. And let me tell you, six weeks is a very short time. So please start your revision NOW!!
And like I promise all of you last Monday, I will book a chalet for the class and we shall have a bbq if all of you don't go beyond position 70. Some have expressed their concern that the chalet will be fully booked if I don't book early. Don't you worry about that, I will find ways and means to get one. Just worry about doing well for your exams. If you keep within the target, I will keep my promise. I have faith in all of you. I know you can do it if you study hard enough! Gooo 1e1!!!
And like I promise all of you last Monday, I will book a chalet for the class and we shall have a bbq if all of you don't go beyond position 70. Some have expressed their concern that the chalet will be fully booked if I don't book early. Don't you worry about that, I will find ways and means to get one. Just worry about doing well for your exams. If you keep within the target, I will keep my promise. I have faith in all of you. I know you can do it if you study hard enough! Gooo 1e1!!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Happy Birthday Singapore!!!!
Happy Birthday to us too!!!! Since we are Singaporeans, it's our birthday too right?! Hope you guys enjoyed the concert yesterday. Too bad none of the 1E1ers joined the East Spring Superstar. Next time must be more sporting and join ok?! I'm sure some of you have the talent so why not let the talent shine?? I've heard that some have volunteered to perform for Teacher's Day...All the best! I hope the rest give their support. It'll be really fun if all of you can join in. I remember the whole class of 3E1 (this year they are in 4E1) performed for last year's Teacher's Day celebration. They did the High School Musical dance and it was really interesting to watch the strong camaraderie between all of them. All of them enjoyed themselves and there was unity among them. I hope to see this in all of you too. Again, all the best to those performing for Teacher's Day, you have my full support!!!!

Anyway, here are the pics I took yesterday. I'm sorry if some of you didn't know that we were taking a class shot. I informed the students at the back before you were dismissed and asked them to pass the message but apparently, some didn't get the message. Well, nevermind, there will be other photo opportunities.
Have a good holiday everybody!!!!!! And again, Happy Birthday Singapore!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Blogs n Layout
Thanks Bella for adding more stuffs to the blog! Love the clock! So cute! So Siew Huey, have you decided if you want to use this blog for homework? Can I have feedback from other 1e1ers regarding this? Would you like your homework to be listed here or on another blog? Hope to hear the response from the others.
If most of you prefer to have it stated here, then Siew Huey, I can leave you in charge of that. As for Bella, she'll be the overall in charge of the blog as in the layout and skin. You can go ahead and change the skin if you want Bella, but please choose something simple and easy to read. You can add song or change font too if you want. Just go ahead ya, I leave it up to you. Thank you!!!
If most of you prefer to have it stated here, then Siew Huey, I can leave you in charge of that. As for Bella, she'll be the overall in charge of the blog as in the layout and skin. You can go ahead and change the skin if you want Bella, but please choose something simple and easy to read. You can add song or change font too if you want. Just go ahead ya, I leave it up to you. Thank you!!!
Red, Red, Red
Alright people, don't forget to come in RED tomorrow!! For those who really do not have red t-shirts then I'm afraid you'll have to wear your full uniform, no school t-shirts allowed. But I really hope all of you will wear red, we can then take some funky class shots! LOL And yes, school starts at 8 tomorrow so you can take your own sweet time but please do not be late!
Hope all of us will have a good time tomorrow!
PS: Hong Shen and Kelvin Sim, I hope both of you are feeling better. Please do not forget to pass me your MCs or letters tomorrow. I need a letter from you too, Tian Shen. Thanks.
Hope all of us will have a good time tomorrow!
PS: Hong Shen and Kelvin Sim, I hope both of you are feeling better. Please do not forget to pass me your MCs or letters tomorrow. I need a letter from you too, Tian Shen. Thanks.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Well Done!
I want to congratulate Faiqah Banu and Siew Huey again for a job well done earlier during assembly. It's definitely not an easy task to stand in front of the whole school and do your presentation but both of you did a FABULOUS job!!!
Wow! Siew Huey, you have created a blog just for homework!!! Is your homework THAT many??! Anyway, instead of having another blog for homework, why don't you just list your homework daily at this blog. Then you wouldn't have to check so many blogs. Maybe you can help me with that Siew Huey? I don't want to burden Bella with another task. Or anybody else willing to do that? If you don't mind doing it, I will give you the password to this blog and you can remind the others of their homework daily through this blog. Let me know ya! ;-)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
RHD Pics
Sorry I have not posted anything for the past few days. Actually, I have been trying to create a photoslide for the Racial Harmony Day pics yesterday and the day before but just couldn't get it right!!!! Bella, help!!
Anyway, I have posted some pics here. I think most of you enjoyed yourselves that day and most of you participated enthusiastically. Good job!!! The only disappointment was that some of the boys did not try out the jawi writing. I think that you should give it a try instead of just sitting there doing nothing or worse, doodling on the big piece of paper!!! And yes, some boys were even caught washing their brushes at the water cooler!! I hope none of you will do anything so foolish in the future! I let the matter rest because the boys were held back by some teachers. I wouldn't be so forgiving in the future!! Please think before you do anything!
Alright, enjoy the pics!!!
Anyway, I have posted some pics here. I think most of you enjoyed yourselves that day and most of you participated enthusiastically. Good job!!! The only disappointment was that some of the boys did not try out the jawi writing. I think that you should give it a try instead of just sitting there doing nothing or worse, doodling on the big piece of paper!!! And yes, some boys were even caught washing their brushes at the water cooler!! I hope none of you will do anything so foolish in the future! I let the matter rest because the boys were held back by some teachers. I wouldn't be so forgiving in the future!! Please think before you do anything!
Alright, enjoy the pics!!!
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