Hi everybody! Glad to see all of you last Monday, I miss you! hehe..
I hope you are satisfied and happy with the class allocated to you. For those who are disappointed, you can send an appeal letter but like I said, the school has done all it could to accommodate your requests but a lot of factors have to be taken into consideration before the allocation is done.
The thing is.... no matter which class you go to, just be positive and work hard for the next two years. Do your best to achieve the best O level results. You can do it!!
Anyway, here are the photos taken at my place. It was a pleasure having you over. You can come again next year if you want ok!! ;-))

The girls playing cards in Rayyan's room

Happy! Happy!

Siew Huey shuffling the cards like a pro..hehe

The sweeties..Yu Yu n Bella

Another pair of sweeties.. Yin Yin n Yoyo

Faiqah n Yu Yu enjoying the Ribena! Ribena is good for you ley ;)

Jingshi and Hui Si hiding their mouths..hehe

Yoyo sharing some secrets with Yin Yin?

Want some Ferreros?

Umaimah n Faiqah ignoring my offer??!!!!!

Yo! Yo! Yo! Here's Umaimah the Rapper!

The boys hungry after their game..

Jaslyn offering a kiss and Jingshi offering a peace!

Our dearest Mdm Too

Y2 - Yoyo n Yin Yin

What are you looking at Matthew?

Hong Shen all sweaty! I will install air-conditioners next year k!

The gals.....

Plus the boys now....

My precious 2E1

So gonna miss all of you next year!

Looking sweet and demure...Faiqah n Diyana

The boys conquering Rayyan's room now


Umaimah the musician... She's multi-talented eh?? hehe

The girls enjoying a game of 'Moment of Truth'

The boys back from another game!

Enjoying the cartoon show...

Glued to their seats while watching Rihanna...esp Julian! haha

Sweaty but happy!!!!
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