Definitely right???! I'm sure you're having a superb time sleeping late, spending every minute on the comp or simply lazing around.... ;)
Anyway, sorry I have not been posting anything for a while....well, while you guys are enjoying yourselves, I still have to slog in school ok!! hehe
I have loads to say but I shall reserve that for later. First, I want to post the pictures which are long overdue. First up are the ACES Day/Teachers' Day pics. I must say that I had a good time that day. All of you did your best and the best part is.... all of you displayed the team spirit! Well done!! We didn't win but that's ok. We had a great time right!!!! :D

The Moon Ballers waiting for instructions

The avid supporters

More supporters.. Who's that with the face covered??

Still waiting...

They're waiting too...

Ok, about to start now...

Toss the ball!

Jia you! Jia you!

Siew Huey so excited! LOL

Come on! Don't give up!


You can do it, Jamina!

Jumping Rope time!!! I forgot the name of this game?!

All ready to jump??

Didn't work so must change people!

The toughest game! U guys just have poor coordination la.. hehe

But don't give up yet!

We can do it people!

Alamak! How come all don't jump at the same time?!!

Let's turn over a new leaf!

Fadhilah n Ain working hard...

U gals were super fast!!! Go girls!

Another go?

Alright, GO!

Again, you gals did a wonderful job! Well done!

Happy n satisfied???

Nope, wanna do it again!!

U gals have our support!!!

OK, let's do this again!

Go! Go! Go!

Come on, girls!

One more time!

Never giving up! That's the spirit!

Time for the guys to cross the TOXIC LAKE

Listening to Mr Koh's advice..

Hong Shen takes the lead..

Argh! Almost lost my footing!

OK guys, now u can make the run!

Asher making the jump!

Wow, who's that with the long legs???!!

One more round...

Billy treading carefully


Hop! Hop! Hop!

Jia you! Jia you!

Again! Azilla so happy cheering at the side!

Kelvin Yee doing the hop, followed by Kah Wei n Corn

Dashing through the lake again!

Corn the last one to cross! Good job, guys!

Waiting for results...

It's ok that we didn't win...we'll still smile for the camera!

Our two lovely ladies performing for us

I think they danced really well!!

Hope to see u girls perform again next year!
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