Friday, February 29, 2008

Good job, BOYS!

I am EXTREMELY happy with the boys for assembling at the parade square early today! Good job, boys!! Do keep up with the good work, ok!!!

So girls, you have to buck up a bit yeah... ;-)

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Last Friday, right after the parade, an announcement was made by Mrs Mohinder Singh, regarding the switch of periods on Monday (18/02/08) and Tuesday (19/02/08). From what I gather, most of you did not hear the announcement (especially those involved in the parade) so I want to remind you of the switch.

On Monday, the last two periods, that is the RISE periods will be switched with Tuesday's periods 3 and 4. That means, on Tuesday, for periods 3 and 4, you will have RISE instead of the usual subjects that you have.

To simplify, on Monday, your last two periods will be Home Economics and Music. And on Tuesday, you will not have Home Economics and Music for periods 3 and 4, but instead, you will have RISE. Those who are reading this message, please remind your other friends of the change. Thank you!

Total Defence Day Parade

The parade last Friday was impressive!!! I'm sure those involved trained very hard for it so a BIG round of applause for all of them! Needless to say, the 2E1ers looked so adorable and smart in their uniforms! Here are some of the pics I managed to take. Sorry if the pics are quite blurry, you all were too far!

Again, I enjoyed the parade very much and from what I heard in the teacher's staffroom, most of the other teachers enjoyed it too! So again, good job!!! I'm soooooo proud of all of you!

The guides marching in

The NPCCs right behind them

The NCDCCs looking cool and smart

Can you spot our NPCC friends? Umaimah, Kareema and Kai Chien are all looking smart at the front!

The super adorable guides... Can you spot Fadhilah and Diyana?

I'm sure you can't miss the adorable Wesley!!!!

And smart Jie Qi all ready to help! And for once, you pulled up your socks!!

The NCDCCs! I finally managed to spot Azilla and Faiqah through the pics!

The tall and smart Ain at the far end...

Syarifah is trying to hide at the back but I can spot her! Hehehe

The UGs starting to march out of the parade square...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I'm sure everybody's excited because it's V-Day!! I feel that Valentine's Day is a celebration of LOVE so spread the love to everybody that you care for... be it your family members, friends and yes, even teachers!! hehehe.... Tell them how much you care about them.

So, let me start the ball rolling.... Even though I may scold you, nag at you or yes, even call your parents, do remember that I did it out of LOVE. I care about EACH and EVERYONE of you. And that comes from the bottom of my heart.

So, Happy Valentine's Day!! Have fun!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


This serves as a reminder to those who have not submitted any of the 3 forms I distributed last week:

1) Edusave form for SFL Programmes
2) Edusave form for Newspaper/Magazine subscription
3) The form for yearbook

So don't forget to bring the forms and $5 for the yearbook tomorrow. Thank you!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday and collected big, fat hongbaos! Hehehe ;-)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Mdm Too and all 2E1ers a Happy, Happy Chinese New Year!!!! May this year be a great year for all of you.

To the non-Chinese..enjoy the holidays!

Have a great holiday everybody!!!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Prefects & PSLs

Last Mon, we had the Prefects and PSLs Investiture. 6 2E1s had gone through the probation period and are now full-fledged Prefects and PSLs. Congrats to..

1) Siew Huey
2) Jamina
3) Azilla
4) Billy
5) Hong Shen

And our one and only PSL... Yoyo (Are you still a PSL, Jerrold??)

I hope all of you will carry out your duties responsibly. As school leaders, you must set good examples to the rest. And to the others, do cooperate with these school leaders.

Here are some pics taken during the ceremony.

Billy and Hong Shen waiting for their turns anxiously

Jamina and Siew Huey were anxious too

Taking the pledge..

The PSLs