Alright...the CIP pics are up next!! Although some of you were too busy playing with water or fooling around, I think you all did a wonderful job!!! Too bad my camera batt went flat and I couldn't take more pics. Enjoy the pics!!
Why look so glum Fu Xian?? LOL
Hong Shen cleaning with much enthusiasm... Go Hong Shen!
I know these boys love to clean the whiteboard coz it's the easiest job and shiniest too!
All busy wiping and cleaning their tables.. Good job!
And the window cleaners did a wonderful job too!!
The chairperson and ex-chairperson working hard too!
For once, I see Julian sweeping the classroom! Wonderful job!!
I wonder what Fu Xian is pointing at...
Removing the names from the sad.... Guess who's behind the piece of cloth??!!
Introducing Umaimah, the garbage bag lady...hehehe