Hi 1E1!! Sorry, it has been quite a while since I wrote anything... Anyway, let me continue from where I left off....
The Infocomm competition at Temasek Poly... I was pretty disappointed that only Billy and Umaimah (from our class) turned up to support Bella and Yin Yin. But well, I guess most of you have something on so I don't blame you. I think most of you know that they clinched 2nd place!!!! Well done girls! So proud of both of you!
For your information, they will be receiving their medals from the principal before flag-raising on Friday morning so please support them and clap as loud as you can!! But no catcalls ok! I don't want you to be scolded by the DM!
And I hope you don't feel that I am giving them so much support because they are in my CCA, Infocomm Club...hehehehe... I support any competitions or events that our 1e1ers participate in... like our basketball boys or our Environment Club members who made a presentation during assembly. As long as I know that you are participating in certain events, rest assured you have my FULL support! So don't be shy to let me know ok! ;-)
Next....our beloved Mrs Low is back!!!!! I'm sure most of you are happy to see her. Me too!! That means I don't have so much work to do...hahaha.... But seriously, I am not complaining. I guess her absence presented the opportunity for me to get closer to all of you. Even though we only see each other during RISE, I feel that we have somehow bonded. *HUGZ*...kekeke
Nevertheless, it's really good to see her. Now, you have the attention and love from both teachers *WINKZ* And thanks to those who put up the huge heart card and banner for her. I think they are really nice and I'm sure she appreciates the gesture.
Last but not least, EXAMS are coming...FAST&FURIOUS!!! I know I am so naggy but pleeease start your revision. Like Mrs Low mentioned on Monday...You know yourself best so please be more disciplined. Mrs Low and I can nag, can remind, can scold you....but seriously, it's totally up to you. We have faith in all of you.... You can do it!