I know I have not posted anything for over a month now. Sorry ok, I have been really busy. I'm supposed to give Diyana the password so that she can post entries. Diyana, please remind me to give you the password so that you can address the class or you can post important information if I am too busy to do so.
OK, I hope all of you had fun yesterday. I was too busy to count the $$ but I think we earn quite a bit. It's ok if we do not earn the most but it's the whole learning process that counts (like what Siew Huey said). I hope you learn something from this charity bazaar. It's not easy to earn $$ right? We have to do some serious planning and work really hard to promote and sell our stuffs. It requires hard work indeed...
But I am so happy to see everybody working really, really hard and working well as a team too. That's most important. You guys were running around to get 'customers' and promote our stuffs and I see some shouting away to grab the attention of the 'customers'. Even those who had to help out at their CCA stations, worked really hard. Indeed, you worked hard from the beginning till the end...err...although most were slacking during the clean-up session... but then again, I understand, most of you were tired by the end of the bazaar.
Well, here are the pics we took. Again, thank you for working so hard. I am super, super proud of all of you! And remember, everything that we did is for a good cause. Good job!!!!!
PS: A special thank you to the parents who sponsored and prepared food for the bazaar.... Jerrold's dad for the hair products, Faiqah Banu's parents for the pasta and tuna and Fadhilah's mum for the jellies. And thank you to the parents who came and support us too... I saw Kareema's mum, Corn's family, Umaimah's family, Faiqah Banu's family, Fadhilah's mum.. (I hope I don't miss anybody out)... Thank you for all the help and support!!!

Wesley, the walking ad

The 'food and drinks' team
Come and buy!!! Cheap! Cheap!
Diyana n Kareema happy doing their part for charity..hehe
The games team
Our beautiful poster..hehe
The Neoprint leader...super-shy Bella
The 'Neoprint' team
Games leader, Billy
The girls who worked hard looking for 'customers'..
Wesley and Julian worked hard to promote our stuffs too ;-)
The boys & me and my beloved Chupa Chups..haha
Ain, Faiqah n Umaimah
The girls posing at our animal-themed stall
"You want bubble tea??"
Me and my wonderful 2E1..Muackz!!